Feilding Moa’s Banners Cross Country

Here’s the info from Feilding Moa –  Banners Farm Cross Country – Open Handicap Start time: from 1:30pm (open handicap – means different start times) Venue: 65/129 Junction Rd, Halcombe The club van will be leaving from the clubrooms at 11:45am...

Vaoga Cup

Cross Country at Lundon Park, park in the car park by Tennyson St. Sealed Handicap. SM, VM, M20 6k Vaoga Cup SW, VW, W20, W18 4k Geelorup Trophy M18, 16 4k McCarquin Cup W16, 14 3k Chilcott Trophy B14 3k Pointon Cup U12 2k Black Shield U9 1k McBeth Miniature Trophy...